Battle of Solferino, 1859
Napoleon III and the Fate of Italy
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By 1859 the decades-long struggle to free Italy from being dominated by the mighty Austrian Empire seemed far from success. But a new secret alliance between two nations – the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia and the Second French Empire – gave renewed hope to the effort.
These three powers are about to embark on a monumental campaign that will culminate in one of the bloodiest battles of its time. At stake is the fate of Italy.
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Narrated by David McCallion
Imperial Coat of Arms of France by Katepanomegas via Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0
Flag of Italy (1861-1946) by F l a n k e r via Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 2.5
Flag of the Kingdom of Prussia by David Liuzzo via Wikimedia Commons:
Arrival of Gen. Tyler with the Connecticut troops …
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Wounded soldiers returning to Paris from Italy
Prinz Alexander von Hessen
Surrender of Napoleon III
Ouverture du parlement sarde a Turin, 2 avril
Solferino, November, 1859
Siege of Sevastopol from the new 32 pounder battery above the left attack Piquet
Guerre de l’Indépendance Italienne. Bataille de Montebello
Franz Joseph I. Kaiser von Oesterreich
Solferino 1859 – The battle for Italy’s freedom, by Richard Brooks (Osprey Publishing)
Solferino The Birth of a Nation, by Patrick Turnbull
The Campaign of Magenta & Solferino 1859, by Harold Carmichael Wylly C. B.
The Shadow Emperor, by Alan Strauss-Schom
The Unification of Italy, by Charles River Editors
A Memory of Solferino, by Henry Dunant
#napoleon #history #italy
I'm very to see a videos about solferino Franz Joseph and napoléon III thanks you for the French subtile I love this area
Interesting topic.
Plz make a video on "Battle of Rasil".
Napoleon again made a diplomatic mistake, fighting Austria stopped him from a great alliance that could have defeated Prussia. Whe Bismark crushed his "empire" neither Russia or Austria were here to save him.
Such an amazing video once again HistoryMarche! Love the content keep it up!!

Commenting to boost the YouTube algorithm
Great stuff.
1859: France baits Austria into a war and wins.
1870: Prussia baits France into a war and wins.
France: Well well well look what we have here! It's the consequences of my actions!
Britain: Seriously what the hell is wrong with you people?! This is why I decided to conquer other continent's!
Bismarck: Hahaha German Empire goes boom!
very good video a neat long BLOODY BATTLE
I hadn't noticed how the magnitude of the battles change in comparison to the Roman battles and similar times (before the fire arms).
Normally in ancient times battles were fought in a single field. One side against the other. Victory achieved by strategy or single tactics.
While in these battles several armies fight across 2 or more fields at the same time with multiple generals and other militar leaders of high rank commanding their own men. Victory being deciden by the combined effort of the individual tactics of each general. Just in this video count how many times the focus and movement of parts of the armies changed the flow of battle.
Sad herny dunant wasn't mentioned. His work changed this battle and birthed sush Noble notions in sush darkness