Battle of Ankara, 1402 โ€“ Clash of the two biggest conquerors of their time โ€“ Bayezid vs Timur


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๐Ÿ“ข Narrated by David McCallion

๐ŸŽผ Music:
Epidemic Sound

๐Ÿ“š Sources:
Doukas โ€“ Historia Byzantina, Decline and Fall of Byzantium to the Ottoman Turks, trans. H.J. Magoulias (Detroit, 1975)
Ahmed Ibn Arabshah โ€“ Tamerlane or Timur the Great Amir, trans J.H Sanders (London, 1936)
Johann Schiltberger โ€“ The Bondage and Travels of Johann Schiltberger in Europe, Asia and Africa 1396-1427, trans. J. Buchan Telfer (London, 1879)
Beatrice Forbes Manz โ€“ The Rise and Rule of Tamerlane, (Cambridge, 1989)
Justin Marozzi โ€“ Tamerlane: Sword of Islam, Conqueror of the World, (Cambridge, 2006)
Hilda Hookham โ€“ Tamburlaine the Conqueror, (London, 1962)
Donald Nicol โ€“ The Last Centuries of Byzantium 1261 โ€“ 1453 second edition, (Cambridge, 1993)
Halil Inalcik โ€“ The Ottoman Empire โ€“ The Classical Age, 1300-1600 (London, 1973)
Erik Hildinger โ€“ Warriors of the Steppe: Military History of Central Asia, 500BC โ€“ 1700AD (New York, 1997)

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  1. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Register for ChatGPT & AI workshop for FREE:

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  2. i always wonder why stefan did not leave the battlefield, many turks fled or defected , if stefan left the battlefield he could've rebuilt serbia as regional power and should've been able to drive the ottoman's out during the upcoming civil war

  3. HM still has bias in the description!
    1) Using historical photo for Beyazid, while Emir Timur got a fictional cartoon picture!
    2) Calling Timurid Empire as "tartar invaders" to represent them as a barbarians in front of noble Ottomans, while Timurids had already established a long lasting Civilization, becoming the pinnacle of Muslim art

  4. HM still has bias in the map description too. Even after the battle, deliberately showing ottomans as an independent colour, not as a part of Timurids. Mprever, map focus is only into Anatolia, so that the viewers cannot see the massive landmass of Timurid empire reaching Moscow, China and Delhi

  5. Bayazid comparable to Timur ? the Timur Lang ? This is the first time I hear Bayazid's name just another sultan defeated by Timur. I guess maybe because Bayazid campaigned in Bulkans he is more famous for western people, otherwise given the land mass and the population and also the enemies Timur defeated I find the comparison odd and insulting for Timur lol

  6. One should have turkish sponsors or should be daydreaming to compare a Balkan general with the invincible conqueror Tamerlane!

    All what Beyazid did was within the diffusely populated Balkan and Anatolia. He never managed to go out of this yard. He never reached any imperial capital city.

    Tamerlane's military CV is truly fearsome. His army crushed all the existing imperial armies on Euroasia. Timur's sword reached from Moscow, Jerusalem, Constantinople, Delhi, till the gates of China. He needed 2 hours to bring ottomans to their knees

    Not only Beyazid, but all ottomans altogether cannot match this ruthless conqueror!

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