Good evening, Kraftwerk / Guten Abend Kraftwerk, guten Abend Stuttgart!
On 20 July 2018 around 21:50 local time, ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst welcomed the legendary electronic band Kraftwerk and 7500 visitors to the Jazz Open Festival on Stuttgart’s Schlossplatz – live from the International Space Station, where he will live and work until mid-December 2018. During the call with space, Kraftwerk founding member Ralf Hütter and Alexander played a special duet version of the track Spacelab, for which Alexander had a tablet computer configured with virtual synthesizers on board. With thanks to Kraftwerk for sharing this video footage.
Copyright: Kraftwerk/ESA/JazzOpen – Sitara Schmitz
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So begrüßte ESA-Astronaut Alexander Gerst am 20. Juli 2018 um 21:50 Uhr Ortszeit die legendären Elektro-Pioniere Kraftwerk sowie 7500 Besucherinnen und Besucher des Jazz Open-Festivals auf dem Stuttgarter Schlossplatz – und zwar live von der Internationalen Raumstation ISS, auf der er noch bis Mitte Dezember 2018 lebt und arbeitet.
Kraftwerk-Gründungsmitglied Ralf Hütter und Alexander Gerst spielten eine spezielle Version des Tracks Spacelab im Duett an, für das Gerst eigens einen mit virtuellen Synthesizern konfigurierten Tablet-Computer an Bord hatte.
This was something I did not know I needed until just now

Ich will auch
You can be cool and all ….but you can never be as cool as the astronaut who jammed with Kraftwerk from outer space.
Wir rufen Alexander Gerst auf ISS
See – building cars and starting world wars are not our only skills in Germany!
I wish I was there at that concert. This is honestly one of the coolest things I’ve seen. I mean, you know you have made amazing technological advances when you are able to play live with an astronaut hundreds of miles above you.
Still absolutely astoninishing.
Utterly astonishing!
Love, love, victory for humans.
This man hero, as E Musk
Hey mister Gerst, when i was kid liked Captan Future and Kraftwerk too.
"We're charging our battery, And now we're full of energy.
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We are the Robots…
Un gran saludo desde Chile
Genau….was ist den los mit Euch, Stuttgarter?