Caesar’s Civil War
(ALL PARTS 1 – 5)
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Caesar’s Civil War (49–45 BC), was one of the last politico-military conflicts in the Roman Republic before the establishment of the Roman Empire. The war was a four-year-long politico-military struggle, fought in Italy, Illyria, Greece, Egypt, Africa, and Hispania. In a series of battles over the years, Caesar defeated his enemies (the Optimates) and became Dictator for life. The changes to Roman government eliminated the political traditions of the Roman Republic (509–27 BC) and led to the Roman Empire (27 BC–AD 476).
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Narrated by David McCallion
#caesar #rome #pompey
If only Caesar and Pompey would'nt have fought each other, instead using all these legions for other purposes. Man, they could have conquered the whole world.
We could have been all Romans right now! Such a shame :p
This is what happens if u declared war with a neighboring faction being confident in urself having 3 stacks of newly recruited militia army and then find out the enemy has 1 stack Elite Full Experienced Army in Total War

Interesting that Kings and Generals uploaded the same 20 mins battle a day later:
arabic subtitle please
This was the best I have seen. thank you for putting it all together.
Labienus was a mole imo
Too nice historic video explaining events in clearly status thanks..with recently characters of colours thanks allot
Is there a dvd series of this?
I would definitely buy it.
Very informative,detailed and educational.
Julius Caesar is truly a titan of great commanders.
Time to grab some popcorn. Historymarche is back with another video
He's not a salad. He was a boss