This is how we are leading the way towards Zero debris future
These are the latest stats:
– Number of rocket launches since the start of the space age in 1957: About 6500 (excluding failures).
– Number of satellites these rocket launches have placed into Earth orbit: About 16 990
– Number of these still in space: About 11 500
– Number of these still functioning: About 9000
– Number of debris objects regularly tracked by Space Surveillance Networks and maintained in their catalogue: About 35 150
– Estimated number of break-ups, explosions, collisions, or anomalous events resulting in fragmentation: More than 640
– Total mass of all space objects in Earth orbit: More than 11500 tonnes
– Not all objects are tracked and catalogued. The number of debris objects estimated based on statistical models to be in orbit [MASTER-8, future population 2021]:
・36500 space debris objects greater than 10 cm
・1 000 000 space debris objects from greater than 1 cm to 10 cm
・130 million space debris objects from greater than 1 mm to 1 cm
ESA – European Space Agency
Spacejunk3D, LLC
#ESA #SpaceDebris #SpaceJunk
If spacex gets on board with this we’ll be in a better place.
ESA you and nasa are like the tag team of space
Great information ESA just hope everyone understands how important work this is.. ESA is always the Greatest..

Maby take that upp with United Nation & NATO ..
I wonder
Space Debris :
Alienspace Activities :
Elektro-iman… is very Necessary…
There are all kinds of people that have more money than since. And I'm sure they would Pay BIG BUCKS for alot of that 30,40,50? Year old space Junk. That should give some incentive to clean it up? I would think alot of the electronics up there are stuffed with Gold?
Good intentions butter few parsnips.
Does Elon Musk abide by the same?
thankfully there is orbital decay too