A.I. Experiments: Quick, Draw!
Check out https://g.co/aiexperiments to learn more.
This is a game built with machine learning. You draw, and a neural network tries to guess what you’re drawing. Of course, it doesn’t always work. But the more you play with it, the more it will learn. It’s just one example of how you can use machine learning in fun ways.
Built by Jonas Jongejan, Henry Rowley, Takashi Kawashima, Jongmin Kim, with friends at Google Creative Lab and Data Arts Team.
Why donot they make a software that takes the pictures and turns them into drawings of different kinds, so both can learn
Question, does the AI know in advance a limited amount of possibilities? Because why does it gues 'police car' (instead of car) when I haven't even started drawing the police specific parts of a car.
So that is very strange, the AI should guess 'car' first.
I don't know how to send suggestions but it should be more careful with translations, a for example it traslated bucket as "cubo" but "cubo" also means cube so sometimes you don't really know what it wants.
Please , make Quick Draw for android, iOS, PS, VR.
AI has gone so far peeps…..even if I as a child (if I had little knowledge how cat looks)would have shown a cat's body and only face I won't be able to guess it's the same
it’s very strange.. When you are very good at drawing. But AI cannot recognize what your draw, because it learned from garbage drawings from all around the world
I would be interested to use this in therapy for people with aphasia to help develop drawing skills – but is there any way to change the 20 second timer so that the user has more time?
Training their models for free and making it fun for people…… Thats google.!
I literally had DRAW INVISIBLE