Author: kidibot

Faces of ESA: Juan Miró

Faces of ESA: Juan Miró

Earth from Space: Kilimanjaro

Earth from Space: Kilimanjaro

Wrapper Worm – Sick Science! #175

Wrapper Worm – Sick Science! #175

Rosetta calls home

Rosetta calls home

Chasing comets in space

Chasing comets in space

The floodwaters of Mars

The floodwaters of Mars

Rosetta — the story so far

Rosetta — the story so far

Rosetta’s orbit around the comet

Rosetta’s orbit around the comet

Chasing a comet

Chasing a comet

#WakeUpRosetta — Wake up!

#WakeUpRosetta — Wake up!

Phobos 360

Phobos 360

2013 What Happened This Year @NASA

2013 What Happened This Year @NASA

Philae touch down

Philae touch down

Gaia launch replay highlights

Gaia launch replay highlights

Gaia launch – Full replay

Gaia launch – Full replay

ESA’s Gaia lifts off

ESA’s Gaia lifts off

Gaia: launch to orbit

Gaia: launch to orbit